An Easterly Vue
If you've been wondering why this website, while not looking exactly different, feels a bit ... strange, boy, do I have news for you!
Armed with the boredom and existential fear I'm intimately familiar with since childhood, I have cracked open the sarcophagus of my Vue.js experience, and carefully, not to inhale mouldy sediment of my own half-knowledge, rewrote the entire damn thing into a Nuxt.js project.
"But Leda," you must be whining unmanlyly, "what was the problem with Gatsby?"
Unless you mean the aging simp birthed by F. Scott Fitzgarbage people misquote and generally misunderstand, absolutely nothing. It's a perfectly good static generator. But the new word around town is "hybrid", and I'm rendered curious by default.
It bears reminding also that I'm certifiably yet adorably insane, and my way of learning is making abundant mistakes through maximum effort solving of problems nobody really complains about.
So without any further ado, if you aren't already, enjoy Vuelfden and for the love of God, does anyone know of eslint plugins that actually help format Vue without weird breaks? No? Just Anthony Fu? I'm humped!